Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Two Centuries in Africa


You're wondering: Has this man actually been in Africa for two centuries? Is that possible? Well, I am old, but not that old. But I have been in and out of Africa for 30 years, during the 1900s (starting in the 1980s, continuing in the 1990s) and now past the Millennium. So, technically, that makes two centuries, right?

Anyway, what is this blog about? Well, I just recently discovered a blog called TexasinAfrica, which posted a hilarious youtube video about a young man who wants to get into aid work. That was me 30 years ago. Actually, we didn't have Bono 30+ years ago, when I started, and we didn't even have Band-Aid back then.

So aid work wasn't as "glamorous" back then, and in a way, that may have been better. But the texasinafrica blog made me think: Is there something I can share based on my two centuries in Africa? It's still early stages for me. I don't have answers to all the big questions, and probably never will. But in spite of all its problems, the disappointments, and the hardships, I still think Africa is magnificent, wonderful, fascinating, even funny.

That might seem odd to some people, but I've been observing Africa for a long time, and I thought, why not share my observations? This won't be political, or academic, or controversial. I like the continent, the people, the cultures, the history, the music, and of course, the magnificent natural beauty of a vast, ancient land mass.

The blog won't have an agenda, or a lofty purpose. It may strike some as frivolous. That's OK. There are a lot of people who are far smarter, far more serious, and for more focused. Let's just have fun with this blog.

And that's all I have for you right now. It would be great to find kindred souls who would like to share their appreciation of Africa, ask questions, and obtain answers and feedback (not just from me but from other readers of the blog). Share great books, great music, great thoughts, great events, great news, great people.

I guess that means this blog will aim to be optimistic and enjoyable. Hope that's ok with at least some folks.

More later...


  1. You're added to my RSS-reader now. Looking forward to seeing where this is all headed!

  2. "Hi, my name is... and I am an 'Africa-holic.'" This concept is from a book called "Last Orders at Harrod's" and it refers to people (like me) who came to work in Africa some time back, and developed an almost irrestible attraction to it, in spite of the poverty, disease, the wars. We know we can't fix everything, but we also can't stop trying. We also know that in Africa, in contrast to many of our countries of origin, everyone smiles, everyone greets, and everyone asks how you are doing (and they listen to the answer!). The poorest person, here, to me, in spite of each day's hardships, often has more inner dignity than some of the world's richest. There is much to love in Africa.
    Now, the question, dear reader, is: are you an Africa-holic as well?
